Code of Ethics

My Code of Ethics as a Psychedelic Trip Sitter


In adopting this Code of Ethics, I affirm my commitment to uphold the highest standards of care, safety, and respect for individuals embarking on psychedelic journeys under my supervision. My role is to ensure their well-being and to honor the sacredness of their experience with the utmost integrity.

1. Prioritizing Safety

  • I always put the physical and psychological safety of participants first.
  • I create a safe, comfortable, and serene environment, minimizing risks and preparing for emergencies.
  • I know how to recognize emergency situations and when to seek medical help.

2. Upholding Autonomy

  • I respect and uphold the autonomy of each participant, supporting their right to navigate their own experience.
  • I refrain from influencing or directing the experience, allowing the journey to unfold according to the participant’s needs and desires.

3. Practicing Non-Intervention

  • I adopt a non-interventionist stance, intervening only to ensure safety or when the participant explicitly requests assistance.
  • I avoid sharing my personal beliefs, suggestions, or interpretations that could shape the participant’s journey.

4. Maintaining Confidentiality

  • I keep all details of the participant’s experience confidential, sharing information only with their consent or when legally required.

5. Demonstrating Empathy and Compassion

  • I approach each session with empathy and compassion, providing emotional support and reassurance while maintaining a non-judgmental stance.
  • I acknowledge and honor the participant’s feelings and experiences without imposing my views.

6. Ensuring Informed Consent

  • I ensure participants are fully informed about what to expect and understand my role as their trip sitter.
  • We discuss and agree on boundaries and signals for assistance in advance.

7. Offering Preparation and Integration Support

  • I assist participants in preparing for their journey, focusing on intentions and addressing any concerns.
  • I support the integration of their experiences, offering attentive listening and resources for further exploration as needed.

8. Committing to Professionalism and Competence

  • I conduct myself professionally and take my responsibilities seriously.
  • I continuously seek education on psychedelics, their effects, and the best practices for providing support.

9. Respecting Diversity

  • I respect the individuality of each participant, including their cultural background and personal beliefs.
  • I strive to create an inclusive environment that welcomes all.

10. Setting Personal Boundaries

  • I maintain clear personal boundaries, ensuring a professional and supportive relationship focused on the participant’s well-being.
  • I strictly avoid any form of sexual contact or inappropriate behavior with participants.


By adhering to this Code of Ethics, I commit to fostering an environment of safety, respect, and support for those under my care. I recognize the profound trust they place in me as they explore the depths of their consciousness. My dedication to these principles is central to facilitating healing, growth, and transformative experiences.